Suffering from disc issues, it can be difficult to find a reputable chiropractic professional who has the experience and knowledge to diagnose what is wrong and then develop a customized treatment plan. Disc issues are one of the chief complaints of people in search of chiropractic assistance. Common problems are herniated discs, slipped discs and disease that causes discs to degenerate.

Your disc issues have been causing you pain and are keeping you from enjoying life to its full extant. Spinal health is essential, so you will want to consult with a chiropractor to figure out the cause of the problem and then treat your pain.

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Typical Symptoms of People With Disc Issues

Pain is a common symptom of individuals who suffer from a bulging/herniated disc. This pain tends to occur in the back, neck or abdomen. You may also feel weak or numb in your arms or legs.

Stiffness and a reduced ability to move around are other major symptoms your chiropractor needs to know about when making a diagnosis.

Relief for Painful Disc Issues in Oak Lawn, IL

As the majority of disc problems are herniated discs, which are treated with small, gentle adjustments of the spine or even spinal manipulations.

Depending on the nature of your disc issue, the chiropractor may prescribe a series of manual therapy sessions and therapeutic exercise techniques to curb pain and improve your range of motion. Profound cases of degenerative disc diseases may make patients candidates for ultrasound treatment, inferential electrical stimulation, trigger point therapy, traction stretching and resistance exercises.

Your chiropractor will first need to thoroughly examine you and take your history before considering the most appropriate course of treatment.

You Can Rely on the Chiropractors at Ridge Health Center to Take Care of Your Disc Issues

At Ridge Health Center, we are proud of the reputation for providing the highest level of care to patients in the greater Oak Lawn, IL region and beyond. There is no reason to wait any further for getting treatment for your disc issues. Give us a call today to make an appointment or to find out more about what we can do to manage and treat painful disc problems.

Origins of Painful Disc Problems

Patients may experience disc issues following sports injuries. Others wind up with problems in their disc because of excessive, repetitive motion, such as truck drivers sitting down for long hauls with no breaks.

Or, you lift something incorrectly and it causes a disc injury. People also can suffer disc issues because of trauma in a car accident.

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