Have you recently been diagnosed with a case of sciatica, or are you concerned that sciatica is the reason you’ve been experiencing some painful symptoms? You’re not alone. The healing professionals at Ridge Heath Center have many years of experience helping patients in Oak Lawn, IL cope with this condition and all the discomfort it can bring.

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Sciatica Treatment Is Just a Phone Call Away!

With a painful condition like sciatica, you don’t want to put off coming in to see your preferred chiropractor in Oak Lawn, IL. Prolonged pain leads to inflammation as well as anxiety and general distress, all of which are not good for your overall health. After all, it’s difficult for a person to relax when there is an ongoing painful sensation in the leg.

Our team sympathizes with you and your discomfort and we will come up with a treatment plan to bring you some much needed relief. To make an appointment for a consultation or to ask questions about treating sciatica, please get in touch with us today.

Causes of Sciatica

It’s normal to want to learn about the causes of sciatica so you can try to avoid them in the future whenever possible. In some cases, patients gets sciatica after having sat on their wallet in the back pocket of their pants. This is the result of excess pressure being constantly placed on the nerve.

A herniated disc may be the cause of the problem. Also referred to as a slipped or ruptured disc, the condition causes your nerve to be pinched. If you have bone spurs, they may contribute to sciatica too.

There are additional causes of sciatica your chiropractor will be on the lookout for too, including:

  • Isthmic spondylolisthesis
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Piriformis syndrome

Symptoms and Signs of Sciatica

Generally patients will feel sciatica in just one leg. The word “sciatica” has to do with leg pain. Sometimes patients with sciatica also feel tingling in their leg or even numbness and weakness.

How Your Chiropractor Can Help Treat Painful Sciatica

The first line of defense in treating painful cases of sciatica is typically ice packs to the painful area. Then a course of heat application is called for.

You may wind up using some prescription pain medication (or milder pain relief medication purchased over the counter).

But for long lasting results, your chiropractor will create a healing plan that includes spinal adjustments along with other methods of manual manipulation. Massage therapy from your chiropractic professional may also be used to reduce inflammation and soreness.

(708) 636-0901


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