Walking around with a severe headache certainly diminishes your quality of life. Whether you are diagnosed with ongoing migraine headaches or are prone to having headaches strike randomly, the situation deserves attention from a compassionate and well trained chiropractic professional.

Before you come in for an appointment to treat your headache, you may not even realize what is causing you to have this kind of pain. During the examination and consultation, the chiropractor will help you figure out the source of discomfort and then create a treatment plan.

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Common Reasons Patients Experience Difficult Headaches

There are many possible causes for having painful headaches. Sometimes headaches are the result of food and drink choices, such as wine, aged cheeses and nuts. Your chiropractor will ask you if something in the environment could be triggering headaches, such as bright flashing lights that overwhelm the senses or random, ongoing noises.

It could simply be a matter of stress triggering headaches or migraine symptoms.

Options for Treating Your Painful Headache

Without treatment, individuals suffering from massive headaches often must resort to just sitting quietly in a darkened room until the symptoms subside. For patients whose preference is to avoid using prescription pain medication, chiropractic treatment may be the best available option. A therapeutic massage that melts away stress and tension may be just the thing you need to eliminate your current headache as well as to help prevent future headaches whose primary cause is stress.

Sometimes the best medicine is taking some time to yourself and ensuring you have adequate “me time’ with no one pressuring you at work, school or at home. Regular massage therapy can do wonders for maintaining a relaxed and healthy state. At Ridge Health Center, we are able to conduct spinal manipulations, which are designed to eliminate pain from tension headaches. You’ll also feel more relaxed, which further helps to prevent future tension headaches.

Some patients may be having headaches because of bad nutrition. We’ll analyze your usual diet to identify if poor food selection is having an effect, and then we’ll recommend positive changes in your meal choices.

Book a Chiropractic Appointment to Treat Your Headache in Oak Lawn, IL Today

Relief for your headache is available to you today at our chiropractic facility here in Oak Lawn, IL. The professionals at Ridge Health Center know what it’s like for people to suffer from ongoing headaches and we are dedicated to diagnosing the cause of the problem and then making a treatment plan to eliminate the discomfort. To get started, click here to make an appointment now.

(708) 636-0901


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